> < ^ Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 13:15:49 +0100 (CET)
> < ^ From: Mathias Kratzer <kratzer@exp-math.uni-essen.de >
> ^ Subject: Cyclotomics=Cyclotomics?

Dear GAP-Forum,

is anyone able to explain the following results / error message?

gap> Cyclotomics = Cyclotomics;
# You guess there's no need to explain THAT, yet? Then look at this:
gap> G := GeneralLinearGroup(3,2);; G.name := "GL(3,2)";;
gap> chi1 := Irr(G)[2];  chi1.range;
Character( GL(3,2), [ 3, -1, 1, 0, E(7)^3+E(7)^5+E(7)^6, E(7)+E(7)^2+E(7)^4 ] )
gap> chi2 := Irr(G)[3];  chi2.range;
Character( GL(3,2), [ 3, -1, 1, 0, E(7)+E(7)^2+E(7)^4, E(7)^3+E(7)^5+E(7)^6 ] )
# ... and as expected we get ...
gap> chi1.range = chi2.range;
# ... but defining chi3 as a copy of chi1 yields:
gap> chi3 := Copy( chi1 );  chi3.range;
Character( GL(3,2), [ 3, -1, 1, 0, E(7)^3+E(7)^5+E(7)^6, E(7)+E(7)^2+E(7)^4 ] )
gap> chi1.range = chi3.range;
Error, Record: element 'generators' must have an assigned value at
isEql := ForAll( F.generators, function ( g ) ... end ) 
         and ForAll( G.generators, function ( g ) ... end ) ... in
<rec1> = <rec2> called from
main loop

What went wrong in Copy( chi1 )?

Thanks for your help,


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