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Modules .-3
\*, constructor for ideal multiples 7.5-3
    TensorProduct 10.4-10
    transfer a module over a different ring 7.2-7
    transfer a module over a different ring (right) 7.2-7
AffineDegree 7.4-17
ByASmallerPresentation, for modules 7.5-2
CanBeUsedToDecideZeroEffectively 5.3-1
CayleyDeterminant 12.5-2
CoefficientsOfNumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries 7.4-13
CoefficientsOfUnreducedNumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries 7.4-12
Cokernel 10.4-2
DataOfHilbertFunction 7.4-18
DefectOfExactness 10.4-6
ElementaryDivisors 7.4-8
Ext 10.4-12
ExteriorAlgebra 7.4-7
ExteriorPower 12.1-1
ExteriorPowerBaseModule 12.2-3
ExteriorPowerElementDual 12.4-2
ExteriorPowerExponent 12.2-2
FittingIdeal 7.4-9
functor_Cokernel 10.4-1
Functor_Ext 10.4-11
Functor_Hom 10.4-7
Functor_HomHom 10.4-19
functor_ImageObject 10.4-3
Functor_LHomHom 10.4-20
Functor_LTensorProduct 10.4-17
Functor_RHom 10.4-15
Functor_TensorProduct 10.4-9
Functor_Tor 10.4-13
Gcd_UsingCayleyDeterminant 12.5-3
HilbertFunction 7.4-19
HilbertPoincareSeries 7.4-16
Hom 10.4-8
HomalgFreeLeftModule, constructor for free left modules 7.2-3
HomalgFreeRightModule, constructor for free right modules 7.2-4
HomalgIdentityMap, constructor for identity maps 8.2-3
HomalgMap, constructor for maps 8.2-1
    constructor for maps between free modules 8.2-1
HomalgRing 8.5-1
    for module elements 9.5-1
    for modules 7.5-1
HomalgZeroLeftModule, constructor for zero left modules 7.2-5
HomalgZeroMap, constructor for zero maps 8.2-2
HomalgZeroRightModule, constructor for zero right modules 7.2-6
ImageObject 10.4-4
IndexOfRegularity 7.4-20
IsCyclic 7.3-1
IsElementOfAModuleGivenByAMorphismRep 9.1-2
IsElementOfIntegers 9.3-1
IsExteriorPower 12.2-1
IsExteriorPowerElement 12.3-1
IsFinitelyPresentedModuleOrSubmoduleRep 7.1-2
IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep 7.1-3
IsFinitelyPresentedSubmoduleRep 7.1-4
IsGeneratorsOfFinitelyGeneratedModuleRep 6.1-5
IsGeneratorsOfModuleRep 6.1-4
IsHolonomic 7.3-2
IsHomalgElement 9.1-1
IsHomalgGenerators 6.1-1
IsHomalgGeneratorsOfLeftModule 6.1-2
IsHomalgGeneratorsOfRightModule 6.1-3
IsHomalgMap 8.1-1
IsHomalgModule 7.1-1
IsHomalgRelations 5.1-1
IsHomalgRelationsOfLeftModule 5.1-2
IsHomalgRelationsOfRightModule 5.1-3
IsHomalgSelfMap 8.1-2
IsInjectivePresentation 5.3-2
IsMapOfFinitelyGeneratedModulesRep 8.1-3
IsPrimeIdeal 7.3-4
IsPrimeModule, for modules 7.3-5
IsReduced, for generators 6.3-1
    for modules 7.3-3
IsRelationsOfFinitelyPresentedModuleRep 5.1-4
IsSymmetricPower 11.2-1
Kernel, for maps 10.4-5
    for ring maps 4.2-1
KernelEmb, for ring maps 4.1-2
KernelSubobject, for ring maps 4.1-1
KoszulCocomplex 12.5-1
LargestMinimalNumberOfLocalGenerators 7.4-11
LeftPresentation, constructor for left modules 7.2-1
LeftSubmodule, constructor for left submodules 7.2-10
LTensorProduct 10.4-18
ModuleOfKaehlerDifferentials 7.4-4
NonFlatLocus 7.4-10
NumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries 7.4-15
PreInverse 8.5-2
PrimaryDecomposition 7.4-2
ProcedureToReadjustGenerators 6.4-1
RadicalDecomposition 7.4-3
RadicalSubobject 7.4-5
ResidueClassRing 7.4-1
RHom 10.4-16
RightPresentation, constructor for right modules 7.2-2
RightSubmodule, constructor for right submodules 7.2-11
SingleValueOfExteriorPowerElement 12.4-3
Subobject, constructor for submodules using a list of ring elements 7.2-9
    constructor for submodules using matrices 7.2-8
SubobjectQuotient, for submodules 7.5-4
SymmetricAlgebra 7.4-6
SymmetricPower 11.1-1
SymmetricPowerBaseModule 11.2-3
SymmetricPowerExponent 11.2-2
TensorProduct 10.4-10
Tor 10.4-14
UnreducedNumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries 7.4-14
Wedge, for elements of exterior powers of free modules 12.4-1

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