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24 publications using GAP in the category "K-theory"

[A09] Anton, M. F., Homological symbols and the Quillen conjecture, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 213 (4) (2009), 440–453.

[B06] Bonnafé, C., On the character ring of a finite group, in Algèbre et théorie des nombres. Années 2003–2006, Lab. Math. Besançon, Besançon, Publ. Math. Univ. Franche-Comté Besançon Algèbr. Theor. Nr. (2006), 5–23.

[B18] Bouazizi, F., Algebraic certification of numerical algorithms computing Lagrange resolvents, J. Algebra Appl., 17 (1) (2018), 1850007, 15.

[B12] Bouc, S., The slice Burnside ring and the section Burnside ring of a finite group, Compos. Math., 148 (3) (2012), 868–906.

[B15] Bouc, S., The Roquette category of finite $p$-groups, J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS), 17 (11) (2015), 2843–2886.

[BR19] Bouc, S. and Romero, N., The Whitehead group of (almost) extra-special $p$-groups with $p$ odd, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 223 (1) (2019), 86–107.

[BST13] Bouc, S., Stancu, R., and Thévenaz, J., Simple biset functors and double Burnside ring, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 217 (3) (2013), 546–566.

[DM05] Del Padrone, A. and Mazza, C., Schur finiteness and nilpotency, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, 341 (5) (2005), 283–286.

[EGS02] Elbaz-Vincent, P., Gangl, H., and Soulé, C., Quelques calculs de la cohomologie de $\rm GL_N(\Bbb Z)$ et de la $K$-théorie de $\Bbb Z$, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, 335 (4) (2002), 321–324.

[EGS13] Elbaz-Vincent, P., Gangl, H., and Soulé, C., Perfect forms, K-theory and the cohomology of modular groups, Adv. Math., 245 (2013), 587–624.

[G11] Gonçalves, D., On the $K$-theory of the stable $C^*$-algebras from substitution tilings, J. Funct. Anal., 260 (4) (2011), 998–1019.

[J17] Jafari, S. H., Characterization of finite $p$-groups by the order of their Schur multipliers ($t(G)=7$), Bull. Iranian Math. Soc., 43 (7) (2017), 2567–2576.

[KP17] Kreuzer, M. and Patil, D. P., Computational aspects of Burnside rings, part I: the ring structure, Beitr. Algebra Geom., 58 (3) (2017), 427–452.

[L12] Lakeland, G. S., Dirichlet-Ford domains and arithmetic reflection groups, Pacific J. Math., 255 (2) (2012), 417–437.

[L97] Lorenz, M., Picard groups of multiplicative invariants, Comment. Math. Helv., 72 (3) (1997), 389–399.

[M13] Magurn, B. A., Negative $K$-theory of generalized quaternion groups and binary polyhedral groups, Comm. Algebra, 41 (11) (2013), 4146–4160.

[M07] Moravec, P., Schur multipliers and power endomorphisms of groups, J. Algebra, 308 (1) (2007), 12–25.

[M12] Moravec, P., Unramified Brauer groups of finite and infinite groups, Amer. J. Math., 134 (6) (2012), 1679–1704.

[NP12] Naughton, L. and Pfeiffer, G., Computing the table of marks of a cyclic extension, Math. Comp., 81 (280) (2012), 2419–2438.

[RV09] Raggi-Cárdenas, A. and Valero-Elizondo, L., Two nonisomorphic groups of order 96 with isomorphic tables of marks and noncorresponding centres and abelian subgroups, Comm. Algebra, 37 (1) (2009), 209–212.

[RV05] Raggi-Cárdenas, A. G. and Valero-Elizondo, L., Groups with isomorphic Burnside rings, Arch. Math. (Basel), 84 (3) (2005), 193–197.

[R16] Romero, N., Computing Whitehead groups using genetic bases, J. Algebra, 450 (2016), 646–666.

[S08] Sánchez-García, R., Bredon homology and equivariant $K$-homology of $\rm SL(3,\Bbb Z)$, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 212 (5) (2008), 1046–1059.

[S07] Sánchez-García, R. J., Equivariant $K$-homology for some Coxeter groups, J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2), 75 (3) (2007), 773–790.