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158 publications using GAP published in 2016

[AJJ16] Abdollahi, A., Janbaz, S., and Jazaeri, M., Groups all of whose undirected Cayley graphs are determined by their spectra, J. Algebra Appl., 15 (9) (2016), 1650175, 15.

[AV16] Aboras, M. and Vojtěchovský, P., Automorphisms of dihedral-like automorphic loops, Comm. Algebra, 44 (2) (2016), 613–627.

[A16] AbuGhneim, O. A., All $(64, 28, 12)$ difference sets and related structures, Ars Combin., 125 (2016), 271–285.

[A16] Adrianov, N., Primitive monodromy groups of rational functions with one multiple pole, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. S.-Peterburg. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov. (POMI), 446 (Kombinatorika i Teoriya Grafov. V) (2016), 12–30.

[AK16] Akhlaghi, Z. and Khatami, M., Improving Thompson's conjecture for Suzuki groups, Comm. Algebra, 44 (9) (2016), 3927–3932.

[ADJ16] Alavi, S. H., Daneshkhah, A., and Jafari, A., Groups with the same character degrees as sporadic almost simple groups, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc., 94 (2) (2016), 254–265.

[AK16] Alekseeva, O. A. and Kondratʹev, A. S., Finite groups whose prime graphs are triangle-free. II, Tr. Inst. Mat. Mekh., 22 (1) (2016), 3–13.

[AB+16] Álvarez-Barrientos, I., Borges-Quintana, M., Borges-Trenard, M. A., and Panario, D., Computing Gröbner bases associated with lattices, Adv. Math. Commun., 10 (4) (2016), 851–860.

[AA16] Amiri, S. M. J. and Amiri, M., Finite groups in which at least $\frac 13$ of the elements are involutions, J. Algebra Appl., 15 (10) (2016), 1650184, 14.

[AAC16] André, J., Araújo, J., and Cameron, P. J., The classification of partition homogeneous groups with applications to semigroup theory, J. Algebra, 452 (2016), 288–310.

[AC16] Araújo, J. and Cameron, P. J., Two generalizations of homogeneity in groups with applications to regular semigroups, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 368 (2) (2016), 1159–1188.

[AH16] Araya, M. and Harada, M., On the classification of certain ternary codes of length 12, Hiroshima Math. J., 46 (1) (2016), 87–96.

[AB16] Arquette, D. M. and Bulutoglu, D. A., The linear programming relaxation permutation symmetry group of an orthogonal array defining integer linear program, LMS J. Comput. Math., 19 (1) (2016), 206–216.

[AO16] Arvasi, Z. and Odabaş, A., Computing 2-dimensional algebras: crossed modules and $\rm Cat^1$-algebras, J. Algebra Appl., 15 (10) (2016), 1650185, 12.

[AG16] Assi, A. and García-Sánchez, P. A., Algorithms for curves with one place at infinity, J. Symbolic Comput., 74 (2016), 475–492.

[AT+16] Azizi, A., Talbi, M., Talbi, M., Derhem, A., and Mayer, D. C., The group $\textGal(k_3^(2)|k)$ for $k=\BbbQ(\sqrt-3,\sqrtd)$ of type $(3,3)$, Int. J. Number Theory, 12 (7) (2016), 1951–1986.

[BB16] Badr, E. and Bars, F., Automorphism groups of nonsingular plane curves of degree 5, Comm. Algebra, 44 (10) (2016), 4327–4340.

[BB16] Badr, E. and Bars, F., Non-singular plane curves with an element of ``large'' order in its automorphism group, Internat. J. Algebra Comput., 26 (2) (2016), 399–433.

[BFS16] Bailey, A., Finn-Sell, M., and Snocken, R., Subsemigroup, ideal and congruence growth of free semigroups, Israel J. Math., 215 (1) (2016), 459–501.

[BS16] Basheer, A. B. M. and Seretlo, T. T., On a group of the form $2^14:Sp(6,2)$, Quaest. Math., 39 (1) (2016), 45–57.

[BD16] Bastos, R. and Dantas, A. C., On finite groups with few automorphism orbits, Comm. Algebra, 44 (7) (2016), 2953–2958.

[BKL16] Baumeister, B., Kaplan, G., and Levy, D., Covering a finite group by the conjugates of a coset, J. Algebra, 448 (2016), 84–103.

[B16] Beltrán, A., Invariant Sylow subgroups and solvability of finite groups, Arch. Math. (Basel), 106 (2) (2016), 101–106.

[BF+16] Beltrán, A., Felipe, M. J., Malle, G., Moretó, A., Navarro, G., Sanus, L., Solomon, R., and Tiep, P. H., Nilpotent and abelian Hall subgroups in finite groups, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 368 (4) (2016), 2497–2513.

[BFM16] Beltrán, A., Felipe, M. J., and Melchor, C., Landau's theorem on conjugacy classes for normal subgroups, Internat. J. Algebra Comput., 26 (7) (2016), 1453–1466.

[BFM16] Beltrán, A., Felipe, M. J., and Melchor, C., Normal subgroups whose conjugacy class graph has diameter three, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc., 94 (2) (2016), 266–272.

[BBS16] Bernal, J. J., Bueno-Carreño, D. H., and Simón, J. J., Cyclic and BCH codes whose minimum distance equals their maximum BCH bound, Adv. Math. Commun., 10 (2) (2016), 459–474.

[BD16] Bishnoi, A. and De Bruyn, B., A new near octagon and the Suzuki tower, Electron. J. Combin., 23 (2) (2016), Paper 2.35, 24.

[BD16] Bishnoi, A. and De Bruyn, B., On semi-finite hexagons of order $(2,t)$ containing a subhexagon, Ann. Comb., 20 (3) (2016), 433–452.

[BW16] Bogley, W. A. and Williams, G., Efficient finite groups arising in the study of relative asphericity, Math. Z., 284 (1-2) (2016), 507–535.

[B16] Bors, A., Classification of finite group automorphisms with a large cycle, Comm. Algebra, 44 (11) (2016), 4823–4843.

[BWY16] Bouyuklieva, S., Willems, W., and Yankov, N., On the automorphisms of order 15 for a binary self-dual $[96, 48, 20]$ code, Des. Codes Cryptogr., 79 (1) (2016), 171–182.

[BH16] Boykett, T. and Howell, K., The multiplicative automorphisms of a finite nearfield, with an application, Comm. Algebra, 44 (6) (2016), 2336–2350.

[BW16] Boykett, T. and Wendt, G., Units in near-rings, Comm. Algebra, 44 (4) (2016), 1478–1495.

[BGM16] Bravi, P., Gandini, J., and Maffei, A., Projective normality of model varieties and related results, Represent. Theory, 20 (2016), 39–93.

[BS16] Brozovic, D. P. and Sin, P. K., A note on point stabilizers in sharp permutation groups of type $\0,k\$, Comm. Algebra, 44 (8) (2016), 3324–3339.

[BJ+16] Brzozowski, J., Jirásková, G., Liu, B., Rajasekaran, A., and Szykuła, M., On the state complexity of the shuffle of regular languages, in Descriptional complexity of formal systems, Springer, [Cham], Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 9777 (2016), 73–86.

[BE16] Bui, A. T. and Ellis, G., Computing Bredon homology of groups, J. Homotopy Relat. Struct., 11 (4) (2016), 715–734.

[BH16] Bulois, M. and Hivert, P., Sheets in symmetric Lie algebras and slice induction, Transform. Groups, 21 (2) (2016), 355–375.

[BT16] Burness, T. C. and Tong-Viet, H. P., Primitive permutation groups and derangements of prime power order, Manuscripta Math., 150 (1-2) (2016), 255–291.

[CP16] Cameron, P. J. and Praeger, C. E., Constructing flag-transitive, point-imprimitive designs, J. Algebraic Combin., 43 (4) (2016), 755–769.

[CG+16] Cannon, J., Garonzi, M., Levy, D., Maróti, A., and Simion, I. I., Groups equal to a product of three conjugate subgroups, Israel J. Math., 215 (1) (2016), 31–52.

[CC+16] Cao, Y., Cao, Y., Fu, F., and Gao, J., On a class of left metacyclic codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 62 (12) (2016), 6786–6799.

[CT16] Caroli, M. and Teillaud, M., Delaunay triangulations of closed Euclidean $d$-orbifolds, Discrete Comput. Geom., 55 (4) (2016), 827–853.

[CG+16] Chapman, S. T., García-Sánchez, P. A., Tripp, Z., and Viola, C., Measuring primality in numerical semigroups with embedding dimension three, J. Algebra Appl., 15 (1) (2016), 1650007, 16.

[C16] Chavli, E., Universal deformations of the finite quotients of the braid group on 3 strands, J. Algebra, 459 (2016), 238–271.

[CS16] Cheltsov, I. and Shramov, C., Two rational nodal quartic 3-folds, Q. J. Math., 67 (4) (2016), 573–601.

[CGM16] Ciolan, E., García-Sánchez, P. A., and Moree, P., Cyclotomic numerical semigroups, SIAM J. Discrete Math., 30 (2) (2016), 650–668.

[CS16] Costa, A. and Steinberg, B., A categorical invariant of flow equivalence of shifts, Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems, 36 (2) (2016), 470–513.

[CR16] Craven, M. J. and Robertz, D., A parallel evolutionary approach to solving systems of equations in polycyclic groups, Groups Complex. Cryptol., 8 (2) (2016), 109–125.

[CM16] Cristofori, P. and Mulazzani, M., Compact 3-manifolds via 4-colored graphs, Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM, 110 (2) (2016), 395–416.

[DH+16] De Beule, J., Héger, T., Szőnyi, T., and Van de Voorde, G., Blocking and double blocking sets in finite planes, Electron. J. Combin., 23 (2) (2016), Paper 2.5, 21.

[D16] De Bruyn, B., Hyperplanes of Hermitian dual polar spaces of rank 3 containing a quad, Des. Codes Cryptogr., 79 (3) (2016), 507–533.

[DGR16] Delgado, M., García-Sánchez, P. A., and Robles-Pérez, A. M., Numerical semigroups with a given set of pseudo-Frobenius numbers, LMS J. Comput. Math., 19 (1) (2016), 186–205.

[DB+16] Devriendt, J., Bogaerts, B., Bruynooghe, M., and Denecker, M., Improved static symmetry breaking for SAT, in Theory and applications of satisfiability testing—SAT 2016, Springer, [Cham], Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 9710 (2016), 104–122.

[DG+16] Donovan, D. M., Griggs, T. S., McCourt, T. A., Opršal, J., and Stanovský, D., Distributive and anti-distributive Mendelsohn triple systems, Canad. Math. Bull., 59 (1) (2016), 36–49.

[D16] Donten-Bury, M., Cox rings of minimal resolutions of surface quotient singularities, Glasg. Math. J., 58 (2) (2016), 325–355.

[DR16] Douglas, A. and Repka, J., The subalgebras of $A_2$, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 220 (6) (2016), 2389–2413.

[DR16] Douglas, A. and Repka, J., The subalgebras of $\germ so(4,\Bbb C)$, Comm. Algebra, 44 (12) (2016), 5269–5286.

[DM16] Dudas, O. and Malle, G., Decomposition matrices for exceptional groups at $d=4$, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 220 (3) (2016), 1096–1121.

[DG+16] Dutour Sikirić, M., Gangl, H., Gunnells, P. E., Hanke, J., Schürmann, A., and Yasaki, D., On the cohomology of linear groups over imaginary quadratic fields, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 220 (7) (2016), 2564–2589.

[E16] Eick, B., The automorphism group of a finitely generated virtually abelian group, Groups Complex. Cryptol., 8 (1) (2016), 35–45.

[EK16] Eick, B. and King, S., The isomorphism problem for graded algebras and its application to $\rm mod$-$p$ cohomology rings of small $p$-groups, J. Algebra, 452 (2016), 487–501.

[E16] Ellis, G., Cohomological periodicities of crystallographic groups, J. Algebra, 445 (2016), 537–544.

[FG16] Farinati, M. A. and García Galofre, J., Link and knot invariants from non-abelian Yang-Baxter 2-cocycles, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 25 (13) (2016), 1650070, 29.

[FOS16] Fawcett, J. B., O'Brien, E. A., and Saxl, J., Regular orbits of symmetric and alternating groups, J. Algebra, 458 (2016), 21–52.

[FQ16] Fernandes, V. H. and Quinteiro, T. M., Presentations for monoids of finite partial isometries, Semigroup Forum, 93 (1) (2016), 97–110.

[FIM16] Franchi, C., Ivanov, A. A., and Mainardis, M., The $2A$-Majorana representations of the Harada-Norton group, Ars Math. Contemp., 11 (1) (2016), 175–187.

[FL16] Friese, E. and Ladisch, F., Affine symmetries of orbit polytopes, Adv. Math., 288 (2016), 386–425.

[FH16] Fromentin, J. and Hivert, F., Exploring the tree of numerical semigroups, Math. Comp., 85 (301) (2016), 2553–2568.

[GHP16] Gállego, M. P., Hauck, P., and Pérez-Ramos, M. D., 2-Engel relations between subgroups, J. Algebra, 447 (2016), 31–55.

[G16] Gannon, T., Much ado about Mathieu, Adv. Math., 301 (2016), 322–358.

[G16] Geroldinger, A., Sets of lengths, Amer. Math. Monthly, 123 (10) (2016), 960–988.

[G16] Gildea, J., Torsion units for a Ree group, Tits group and a Steinberg triality group, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2), 65 (1) (2016), 139–157.

[GO16] Gildea, J. and O'Brien, K., Torsion unit for some untwisted exceptional groups of Lie type, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 82 (3-4) (2016), 451–466.

[GT16] Gildea, J. and Tylyshchak, A., Torsion units in the integral group ring of $\rm PSL(3, 4)$, J. Algebra Appl., 15 (1) (2016), 1650013, 9.

[GG+16] Gill, N., Gillespie, N. I., Nixon, A., and Semeraro, J., Generating groups using hypergraphs, Q. J. Math., 67 (1) (2016), 29–52.

[GK16] Giudici, M. and Kuzma, B., Realizability problem for commuting graphs, J. Aust. Math. Soc., 101 (3) (2016), 335–355.

[GL+16] Giudici, M., Liebeck, M. W., Praeger, C. E., Saxl, J., and Tiep, P. H., Arithmetic results on orbits of linear groups, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 368 (4) (2016), 2415–2467.

[G16] Gobet, T., Noncrossing partitions, fully commutative elements and bases of the Temperley-Lieb algebra, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 25 (6) (2016), 1650035, 27.

[GL+16] Goodwin, S. M., Le, T., Magaard, K., and Paolini, A., Constructing characters of Sylow $p$-subgroups of finite Chevalley groups, J. Algebra, 468 (2016), 395–439.

[GMR16] Goodwin, S. M., Mosch, P., and Röhrle, G., On the coadjoint orbits of maximal unipotent subgroups of reductive groups, Transform. Groups, 21 (2) (2016), 399–426.

[G16] Gorshkov, I. B., Towards Thompson's conjecture for alternating and symmetric groups, J. Group Theory, 19 (2) (2016), 331–336.

[G16] Grechkoseeva, M. A., On the spectra of almost simple groups with a symplectic or orthogonal socle, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 57 (4) (2016), 746–754.

[GM16] Griffin, M. J. and Mertens, M. H., A proof of the Thompson moonshine conjecture, Res. Math. Sci., 3 (2016), Paper No. 36, 32.

[GM+16] Grishkov, A., Merlini Giuliani, M. L., Rasskazova, M., and Sabinina, L., Half-isomorphisms of finite automorphic Moufang loops, Comm. Algebra, 44 (10) (2016), 4252–4261.

[GRV16] Grishkov, A., Rasskazova, M., and Vojtěchovský, P., Automorphic loops arising from module endomorphisms, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 88 (3-4) (2016), 287–303.

[GM+16] Guest, S., Morris, J., Praeger, C. E., and Spiga, P., Finite primitive permutation groups containing a permutation having at most four cycles, J. Algebra, 454 (2016), 233–251.

[G16] Gyürki, Š., Infinite families of directed strongly regular graphs using equitable partitions, Discrete Math., 339 (12) (2016), 2970–2986.

[HHN16] Halasi, Z., Hannusch, C., and Nguyen, H. N., The largest character degrees of the symmetric and alternating groups, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 144 (5) (2016), 1947–1960.

[HM16] Halasi, Z. and Maróti, A., The minimal base size for a $p$-solvable linear group, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 144 (8) (2016), 3231–3242.

[HP16] Halasi, Z. and Podoski, K., Every coprime linear group admits a base of size two, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 368 (8) (2016), 5857–5887.

[HS16] Herpel, S. and Stewart, D. I., Maximal subalgebras of Cartan type in the exceptional Lie algebras, Selecta Math. (N.S.), 22 (2) (2016), 765–799.

[HR16] Hoge, T. and Röhrle, G., Nice reflection arrangements, Electron. J. Combin., 23 (2) (2016), Paper 2.9, 24.

[HNV16] Horn, M., Nessler, R., and Van Maldeghem, H., Simple connectivity in polar spaces, Forum Math., 28 (3) (2016), 491–505.

[H16] Hoshi, A., Birational classification of fields of invariants for groups of order 128, J. Algebra, 445 (2016), 394–432.

[HSV16] Hulpke, A., Stanovský, D., and Vojtěchovský, P., Connected quandles and transitive groups, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 220 (2) (2016), 735–758.

[J16] Jafari, S. H., Categorizing finite $p$-groups by the order of their non-abelian tensor squares, J. Algebra Appl., 15 (5) (2016), 1650095, 13.

[JM16] Jafarian Amiri, S. M. and Madadi, H., On the maximum number of the pairwise noncommuting elements in a finite group, J. Algebra Appl., 15 (10) (2016), 1650197, 9.

[JMR16] Jafarian Amiri, S. M., Madadi, H., and Rostami, H., On the probability of generating nilpotent subgroups in a finite group, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc., 93 (3) (2016), 447–453.

[KNS16] Kappe, L., Nikolova-Popova, D., and Swartz, E., On the covering number of small symmetric groups and some sporadic simple groups, Groups Complex. Cryptol., 8 (2) (2016), 135–154.

[KOP16] Kiers, C., O'Neill, C., and Ponomarenko, V., Numerical semigroups on compound sequences, Comm. Algebra, 44 (9) (2016), 3842–3852.

[KK+16] Kinyon, M. K., Kunen, K., Phillips, J. D., and Vojtěchovský, P., The structure of automorphic loops, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 368 (12) (2016), 8901–8927.

[KST16] Kleshchev, A., Sin, P., and Tiep, P. H., Representations of the alternating group which are irreducible over subgroups, II, Amer. J. Math., 138 (5) (2016), 1383–1423.

[KPS16] Klimann, I., Picantin, M., and Savchuk, D., Orbit automata as a new tool to attack the order problem in automaton groups, J. Algebra, 445 (2016), 433–457.

[K16] Kondratʹev, A. S., Finite groups with given properties of their prime graphs, Algebra Logika, 55 (1) (2016), 113–120.

[KL16] Koshitani, S. and Lassueur, C., Endo-trivial modules for finite groups with dihedral Sylow 2-subgroup, J. Group Theory, 19 (4) (2016), 635–660.

[KV16] Krčadinac, V. and Vlahović, R., New quasi-symmetric designs by the Kramer-Mesner method, Discrete Math., 339 (12) (2016), 2884–2890.

[L16] Ladisch, F., Realizations of abstract regular polytopes from a representation theoretic view, Aequationes Math., 90 (6) (2016), 1169–1193.

[L16] Lambe, L. A., An algebraic study of the Klein bottle, J. Homotopy Relat. Struct., 11 (4) (2016), 885–891.

[LP16] Lane-Harvard, L. and Penttila, T., Some new two-weight ternary and quinary codes of lengths six and twelve, Adv. Math. Commun., 10 (4) (2016), 847–850.

[LPV16] Larrión, F., Pizaña, M. A., and Villarroel-Flores, R., On self-clique shoal graphs, Discrete Appl. Math., 205 (2016), 86–100.

[LMS16] Lassueur, C., Malle, G., and Schulte, E., Simple endotrivial modules for quasi-simple groups, J. Reine Angew. Math., 712 (2016), 141–174.

[LZ16] Lavrauw, M. and Zanella, C., Subspaces intersecting each element of a regulus in one point, André-Bruck-Bose representation and clubs, Electron. J. Combin., 23 (1) (2016), Paper 1.37, 11.

[LL16] Li, T. and Liu, Y., Mersenne primes and solvable Sylow numbers, J. Algebra Appl., 15 (9) (2016), 1650163, 16.

[LZ16] Liang, H. and Zhou, S., Flag-transitive point-primitive non-symmetric $2$-$(v,k,2)$ designs with alternating socle, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin, 23 (4) (2016), 559–571.

[LSS16] Linek, V., Soicher, L. H., and Stevens, B., Cube designs, J. Combin. Des., 24 (5) (2016), 223–233.

[L16] Liu, S., Mühlherr's partitions for Brauer algebras of type $\rm H_3$ and $\rm H_4$, Comm. Algebra, 44 (12) (2016), 5287–5298.

[L16] Liu, Y., Finite groups whose irreducible characters of principal blocks have prime power degrees, Monatsh. Math., 181 (1) (2016), 117–122.

[L16] Liu, Y., Finite groups with only one $p$-singular Brauer character degree, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 220 (9) (2016), 3182–3206.

[LW16] Liu, Y. and Willems, W., Lie-type-like groups, J. Algebra, 447 (2016), 432–444.

[L16] Lucchini, A., The expected number of random elements to generate a finite group, Monatsh. Math., 181 (1) (2016), 123–142.

[MW16] Ma, X. and Wang, K., On finite groups all of whose cubic Cayley graphs are integral, J. Algebra Appl., 15 (6) (2016), 1650105, 10.

[MY16] Mamontov, A. S. and Yabara, È., On periodic groups with a narrow spectrum, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 57 (3) (2016), 683–687.

[MV16] Mandić, J. and Vučičić, T., On the existence of Hadamard difference sets in groups of order 400, Adv. Math. Commun., 10 (3) (2016), 547–554.

[MM16] Mesyan, Z. and Mitchell, J. D., The structure of a graph inverse semigroup, Semigroup Forum, 93 (1) (2016), 111–130.

[M16] Michel, J., Deligne-Lusztig theoretic derivation for Weyl groups of the number of reflection factorizations of a Coxeter element, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 144 (3) (2016), 937–941.

[M16] Mizusawa, Y., On certain 2-extensions of $\BbbQ$ unramified at 2 and $\infty$, Osaka J. Math., 53 (4) (2016), 1063–1088.

[MR16] Moghaddam, M. R. R. and Rostamyari, M. A., 2-Engelizer subgroup of a 2-Engel transitive groups, Bull. Korean Math. Soc., 53 (3) (2016), 657–665.

[ME+16] Mohammadian, A., Erfanian, A., Farrokhi D. G. , M., and Wilkens, B., Triangle-free commuting conjugacy class graphs, J. Group Theory, 19 (6) (2016), 1049–1061.

[MN16] Moretó, A. and Nguyen, H. N., Variations of Landau's theorem for $p$-regular and $p$-singular conjugacy classes, Israel J. Math., 212 (2) (2016), 961–987.

[M16] Moscariello, A., On the type of an almost Gorenstein monomial curve, J. Algebra, 456 (2016), 266–277.

[M16] Müller, J., On low-degree representations of the symmetric group, J. Algebra, 465 (2016), 356–398.

[N16] Nekrashevych, V., Mating, paper folding, and an endomorphism of $\BbbPC^2$, Conform. Geom. Dyn., 20 (2016), 303–358.

[OUI16] Odabaş, A., Uslu, E. Ö., and Ilgaz, E., Isoclinism of crossed modules, J. Symbolic Comput., 74 (2016), 408–424.

[OP+16] O'Neill, C., Ponomarenko, V., Tate, R., and Webb, G., On the set of catenary degrees of finitely generated cancellative commutative monoids, Internat. J. Algebra Comput., 26 (3) (2016), 565–576.

[P16] Pierro, E., The Möbius function of the small Ree groups, Australas. J. Combin., 66 (2016), 142–176.

[P16] Prins, A. L., The character table of an involution centralizer in the Dempwolff group $2^5 \cdot GL_5(2)$, Quaest. Math., 39 (4) (2016), 561–576.

[P16] Prins, A. L., The Fischer-Clifford matrices and character table of the maximal subgroup $2^9\colon(L_3(4)\colon S_3)$ of $U_6(2)\colon S_3$, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc., 42 (5) (2016), 1179–1195.

[R16] Romero, N., Computing Whitehead groups using genetic bases, J. Algebra, 450 (2016), 646–666.

[RW16] Rowley, P. and Wright, B., Structure of the $Fi_24'$ maximal 2-local geometry point-line collinearity graph, LMS J. Comput. Math., 19 (1) (2016), 105–154.

[R16] Russo, F. G., Strong subgroup commutativity degree and some recent problems on the commuting probabilities of elements and subgroups, Quaest. Math., 39 (8) (2016), 1019–1036.

[S16] Sambale, B., Fusion systems on bicyclic 2-groups, Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc. (2), 59 (4) (2016), 989–1018.

[SS16] Savchuk, D. M. and Sidki, S. N., Affine automorphisms of rooted trees, Geom. Dedicata, 183 (2016), 195–213.

[S16] Schaefer, A., Synchronizing permutation groups and graph endomorphisms, Ph.D. thesis, University of St Andrews (2016).

[S16] Schauenburg, P., Computing higher Frobenius-Schur indicators in fusion categories constructed from inclusions of finite groups, Pacific J. Math., 280 (1) (2016), 177–201.

[SU16] Schneider, C. and Usefi, H., The classification of $p$-nilpotent restricted Lie algebras of dimension at most 4, Forum Math., 28 (4) (2016), 713–727.

[S16] Schröder, A., The maximal subgroups of the classical groups in dimension 13, 14 and 15, Ph.D. thesis, University of St Andrews (2016).

[S16] Schulte, E., The inductive blockwise Alperin weight condition for $G_2(q)$ and $^3D_4(q)$, J. Algebra, 466 (2016), 314–369.

[S16] Smith, J. P., Intervals of permutations with a fixed number of descents are shellable, Discrete Math., 339 (1) (2016), 118–126.

[S16] Stokes, K., Patterns of ideals of numerical semigroups, Semigroup Forum, 93 (1) (2016), 180–200.

[TZ16] Tian, D. L. and Zhou, S. L., Classification of SPBIB designs with $v=396$ and $G=M_12$, Acta Math. Sinica (Chin. Ser.), 59 (3) (2016), 377–384.

[TZ16] Topalova, S. and Zhelezova, S., New regular parallelisms of $PG(3,5)$, J. Combin. Des., 24 (10) (2016), 473–482.

[T16] Totaro, B., The motive of a classifying space, Geom. Topol., 20 (4) (2016), 2079–2133.

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