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167 publications using GAP published in 2020

[AV20] Abas, M. and Vetrík, T., Metric dimension of Cayley digraphs of split metacyclic groups, Theoret. Comput. Sci., 809 (2020), 61–72.

[AJ20] Abdollahi, A. and Jafari, F., Cardinality of product sets in torsion-free groups and applications in group algebras, J. Algebra Appl., 19 (4) (2020), 2050079, 24.

[AR20] Abdollahi, A. and Rahmani, N., Automorphism groups of 2-groups of coclass at most 3, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 43 (3) (2020), 2313–2320.

[AG20] Aivazidis, S. and Guralnick, R. M., A note on abelian subgroups of maximal order, Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl., 31 (2) (2020), 319–334.

[A20] Alavi, S. H., Flag-transitive block designs and finite simple exceptional groups of Lie type, Graphs Combin., 36 (4) (2020), 1001–1014.

[AB+20] Alavi, S. H., Bayat, M., Choulaki, J., and Daneshkhah, A., Flag-transitive block designs with prime replication number and almost simple groups, Des. Codes Cryptogr., 88 (5) (2020), 971–992.

[ABD20] Alavi, S. H., Bayat, M., and Daneshkhah, A., Flag-transitive block designs and unitary groups, Monatsh. Math., 193 (3) (2020), 535–553.

[ABD20] Alavi, S. H., Bayat, M., and Daneshkhah, A., Symmetric designs and projective special linear groups of dimension at most four, J. Combin. Des., 28 (9) (2020), 688–709.

[ADP20] Alavi, S. H., Daneshkhah, A., and Praeger, C. E., Symmetries of biplanes, Des. Codes Cryptogr., 88 (11) (2020), 2337–2359.

[AR20] Alazemi, A. and Raney, M., On triangular matroids induced by $n_3$-configurations, Open Math., 18 (1) (2020), 1565–1579.

[AA20] Ali, F. and Al-Kadhi, M., Generating pairs for the Fischer group $Fi_23$, Algebra Colloq., 27 (4) (2020), 713–730.

[AC+20] Almeida, J., Costa, A., Kyriakoglou, R., and Perrin, D., On the group of a rational maximal bifix code, Forum Math., 32 (3) (2020), 553–576.

[AS20] Angiono, I. and Sanmarco, G., Pointed Hopf algebras over non abelian groups with decomposable braidings, I, J. Algebra, 549 (2020), 78–111.

[AG+20] Ashrafi, A. R., Ghanbari-Maman, L., Kavousi, K., and Koorepazan-Moftakhar, F., An algorithm for constructing all supercharacter theories of a finite group, Ars Math. Contemp., 18 (1) (2020), 149–162.

[AKS20] Ashrafi, A. R., Koorepazan-Moftakhar, F., and Salahshour, M. A., Counting the number of centralizers of 2-element subsets in a finite group, Comm. Algebra, 48 (11) (2020), 4647–4662.

[A20] Ayzenberg, A., Dimensions of multi-fan duality algebras, J. Math. Soc. Japan, 72 (3) (2020), 777–794.

[BL20] Badr, E. and Lorenzo García, E., A note on the stratification by automorphisms of smooth plane curves of genus 6, Colloq. Math., 159 (2) (2020), 207–222.

[BKS20] Bächle, A., Kimmerle, W., and Serrano, M., On the first Zassenhaus conjecture and direct products, Canad. J. Math., 72 (3) (2020), 602–624.

[BS20] Bächle, A. and Sambale, B., Orders generated by character values, Monatsh. Math., 191 (4) (2020), 665–678.

[BR20] Bagarello, F. and Russo, F. G., Realization of Lie algebras of high dimension via pseudo-bosonic operators, J. Lie Theory, 30 (4) (2020), 925–938.

[B20] Baishya, S. J., On capable groups of order $p^2q$, Comm. Algebra, 48 (6) (2020), 2632–2638.

[BP20] Ball, S. and Pepe, V., On varieties defined by large sets of quadrics and their application to error-correcting codes, Discrete Math., 343 (10) (2020), 112007, 12.

[BB20] Balogh, Z. and Bovdi, V., The isomorphism problem of unitary subgroups of modular group algebras, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 97 (1-2) (2020), 27–39.

[BN+20] Bannai, E., Navarro, G., Rizo, N., and Tiep, P. H., Unitary $t$-groups, J. Math. Soc. Japan, 72 (3) (2020), 909–921.

[BNY20] Bardakov, V. G., Neshchadim, M. V., and Yadav, M. K., Computing skew left braces of small orders, Internat. J. Algebra Comput., 30 (4) (2020), 839–851.

[BS20] Basheer, A. B. M. and Seretlo, T., The $(p,q,r)$-generations of the alternating group $A_10$, Quaest. Math., 43 (3) (2020), 395–408.

[BM+20] Bastos, R., de Melo, E., Gonçalves, N., and Nunes, R., Non-Abelian tensor square and related constructions of $p$-groups, Arch. Math. (Basel), 114 (5) (2020), 481–490.

[BLR20] Bastos, R., Lima, I., and Rogério, J. R., Maximal covers of finite groups, Comm. Algebra, 48 (2) (2020), 691–701.

[BC+20] Beltrán, A., Camina, R. D., Felipe, M. J., and Melchor, C., Powers of conjugacy classes in a finite group, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4), 199 (2) (2020), 409–424.

[BN+20] Bendel, C. P., Nakano, D. K., Pillen, C., and Sobaje, P., Counterexamples to the tilting and $(p,r)$-filtration conjectures, J. Reine Angew. Math., 767 (2020), 193–202.

[BY20] Bessenrodt, C. and Yang, Y., On $p$-parts of Brauer character degrees and $p$-regular conjugacy class sizes of finite groups, J. Algebra, 560 (2020), 296–311.

[BT20] Bloem-Reddy, B. and Teh, Y. W., Probabilistic symmetries and invariant neural networks, J. Mach. Learn. Res., 21 (2020), Paper No. 90, 61.

[BJT20] Bocheński, M., Jastrz\cebski, P., and Tralle, A., Nonexistence of standard compact Clifford-Klein forms of homogeneous spaces of exceptional Lie groups, Math. Comp., 89 (323) (2020), 1487–1499.

[B20] Borzì , A., A characterization of the Arf property for quadratic quotients of the Rees algebra, J. Algebra Appl., 19 (7) (2020), 2050127, 14.

[BH20] Bou-Rabee, K. and Hooper, W. P., The extrinsic primitive torsion problem, Algebr. Geom. Topol., 20 (7) (2020), 3329–3376.

[BBM20] Bovdi, V., Breuer, T., and Maróti, A., Finite simple groups with short Galois orbits on conjugacy classes, J. Algebra, 544 (2020), 151–169.

[BG+20] Branco, M. J. J., Gomes, G. M. S., Pin, J., and Soler-Escrivà, X., On formations of monoids, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 224 (11) (2020), 106401, 24.

[BG20] Bravi, P. and Gandini, J., Regular functions on spherical nilpotent orbits in complex symmetric pairs: exceptional cases, Kyoto J. Math., 60 (3) (2020), 1051–1096.

[BC+20] Bray, J. N., Cai, Q., Cameron, P. J., Spiga, P., and Zhang, H., The Hall-Paige conjecture, and synchronization for affine and diagonal groups, J. Algebra, 545 (2020), 27–42.

[B20] Breda d'Azevedo, A., Mapification of $n$-dimensional abstract polytopes and hypertopes, Ars Math. Contemp., 18 (1) (2020), 73–86.

[BH+20] Breuer, T., Héthelyi, L., Horváth, E., and Külshammer, B., The Loewy structure of certain fixpoint algebras, Part I, J. Algebra, 558 (2020), 199–220.

[BMW20] Breuer, T., Magaard, K., and Wilson, R. A., Verification of the ordinary character table of the Baby Monster, J. Algebra, 561 (2020), 111–130.

[BC+20] Bright, C., Cheung, K., Stevens, B., Roy, D., Kotsireas, I., and Ganesh, V., A nonexistence certificate for projective planes of order ten with weight 15 codewords, Appl. Algebra Engrg. Comm. Comput., 31 (3-4) (2020), 195–213.

[BG20] Burness, T. C. and Giudici, M., On the Saxl graph of a permutation group, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 168 (2) (2020), 219–248.

[BH20] Burness, T. C. and Harper, S., Finite groups, 2-generation and the uniform domination number, Israel J. Math., 239 (1) (2020), 271–367.

[CCD20] Campedel, E., Caranti, A., and Del Corso, I., Hopf-Galois structures on extensions of degree $p^2q$ and skew braces of order $p^2 q$: the cyclic Sylow $p$-subgroup case, J. Algebra, 556 (2020), 1165–1210.

[CL20] Cardona, G. and Lario, J., Twists of the genus 2 curve $Y^2=X^6+1$, J. Number Theory, 209 (2020), 195–211.

[CKS20] Cheltsov, I., Kuznetsov, A., and Shramov, K., Coble fourfold, $\germ S_6$-invariant quartic threefolds, and Wiman-Edge sextics, Algebra Number Theory, 14 (1) (2020), 213–274.

[CL20] Chen, X. Y. and Lewis, M. L., Groups with One or Two Super-Brauer Character Theories, Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.), 36 (4) (2020), 379–394.

[CN20] Cimpoeaş, M. and Nicolae, F., Artin $L$-functions of almost monomial Galois groups, Forum Math., 32 (4) (2020), 937–940.

[CD+20] Cisto, C., DiPasquale, M., Failla, G., Flores, Z., Peterson, C., and Utano, R., A generalization of Wilf's conjecture for generalized numerical semigroups, Semigroup Forum, 101 (2) (2020), 303–325.

[CH+20] Conder, M., Havas, G., Newman, M. F., and Ramsay, C., On presentations for unitary groups, J. Algebra, 545 (2020), 100–110.

[CM20] Crnković, D. and Maksimović, M., Construction of strongly regular graphs having an automorphism group of composite order, Contrib. Discrete Math., 15 (1) (2020), 22–41.

[CRS20] Crnković, D., Rukavina, S., and Švob, A., On some distance-regular graphs with many vertices, J. Algebraic Combin., 51 (4) (2020), 641–652.

[DG20] De Bruyn, B. and Gao, M., The homogeneous pseudo-embeddings and hyperovals of the generalized quadrangle $H(3,4)$, Linear Algebra Appl., 593 (2020), 90–115.

[GM20] de Graaf, W. A. and Marrani, A., Real forms of embeddings of maximal reductive subalgebras of the complex simple Lie algebras of rank up to 8, J. Phys. A, 53 (15) (2020), 155203, 13.

[M20] de Mendonça, L. A., Weak commutativity and nilpotency, J. Algebra, 564 (2020), 276–299.

[D20] Dempwolff, U., Automorphisms and isomorphisms of some $p$-ary bent functions, J. Algebraic Combin., 51 (4) (2020), 527–566.

[DFH20] Detinko, A. S., Flannery, D. L., and Hulpke, A., Algorithms for experimenting with Zariski dense subgroups, Exp. Math., 29 (3) (2020), 296–305.

[DPZ20] Di Martino, L., Pellegrini, M. A., and Zalesski, A. E., Almost cyclic elements in cross-characteristic representations of finite groups of Lie type, J. Group Theory, 23 (2) (2020), 235–285.

[DR20] Dias, I. R. M. and Rocco, N. R., A polycyclic presentation for the $q$-tensor square of a polycyclic group, J. Group Theory, 23 (1) (2020), 97–120.

[DS20] Dietrich, H. and Schillewaert, J., On a duality for codes over non-abelian groups, Des. Codes Cryptogr., 88 (5) (2020), 789–805.

[DW20] Dietrich, H. and Wilson, J. B., Isomorphism testing of groups of cube-free order, J. Algebra, 545 (2020), 174–197.

[DS20] Dolgachev, I. and Shimada, I., 15-nodal quartic surfaces. Part II: the automorphism group, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2), 69 (3) (2020), 1165–1191.

[DV20] Drápal, A. and Vojtěchovský, P., Division sudokus: invariants, enumeration, and multiple partitions, Glasg. Math. J., 62 (3) (2020), 600–630.

[DGM20] Dutour Sikirić, M., Garber, A., and Magazinov, A., On the Voronoi conjecture for combinatorially Voronoi parallelohedra in dimension 5, SIAM J. Discrete Math., 34 (4) (2020), 2481–2501.

[EV20] Eick, B. and Vaughan-Lee, M., Counting $p$-groups and Lie algebras using PORC formulae, J. Algebra, 545 (2020), 198–212.

[EF20] Eliahou, S. and Fromentin, J., Gapsets and numerical semigroups, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 169 (2020), 105129, 19.

[F20] Fayers, M., Irreducible projective representations of the alternating group which remain irreducible in characteristic 2, Adv. Math., 374 (2020), 107340, 62.

[FGS20] Felipe, M. J., Grittini, N., and Sotomayor, V., On zeros of irreducible characters lying in a normal subgroup, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4), 199 (5) (2020), 1777–1787.

[FLZ20] Feng, Z., Liu, Y., and Zhang, J., On heights of characters of finite groups, J. Algebra, 556 (2020), 106–135.

[FP20] Fernandes, M. E. and Piedade, C. A., Faithful permutation representations of toroidal regular maps, J. Algebraic Combin., 52 (3) (2020), 317–337.

[FV20] Filakovský, M. and Vok\vrínek, L., Are two given maps homotopic? An algorithmic viewpoint, Found. Comput. Math., 20 (2) (2020), 311–330.

[FF20] Fjelstad, J. and Fuchs, J., Mapping class group representations from Drinfeld doubles of finite groups, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 29 (5) (2020), 2050033, 61.

[FH20] Földvári, A. and Horváth, G., The complexity of the equation solvability and equivalence problems over finite groups, Internat. J. Algebra Comput., 30 (3) (2020), 607–623.

[GO+20] García-García, J. I., Ojeda, I., Rosales, J. C., and Vigneron-Tenorio, A., On pseudo-Frobenius elements of submonoids of $\Bbb N^d$, Collect. Math., 71 (1) (2020), 189–204.

[GC20] García-Sánchez, P. A. and Cruz, H. M., Numerical semigroups with embedding dimension three and minimal catenary degree, Integers, 20 (2020), Paper No. A81, 18.

[GH20] García-Sánchez, P. A. and Herrera-Poyatos, A., Isolated factorizations and their applications in simplicial affine semigroups, J. Algebra Appl., 19 (5) (2020), 2050082, 42.

[G20] Geck, M., Computing Green functions in small characteristic, J. Algebra, 561 (2020), 163–199.

[G20] Geck, M., On Jacob's construction of the rational canonical form of a matrix, Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 36 (2020), 177–182.

[GR+20] Giannelli, E., Rizo, N., Sambale, B., and Schaeffer Fry, A. A., Groups with few $p'$-character degrees in the principal block, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 148 (11) (2020), 4597–4614.

[GS20] Giannelli, E. and Sambale, B., On restriction of characters to defect groups, J. Algebra, 558 (2020), 423–433.

[GG+20] Girondo, E., González-Diez, G., Hidalgo, R. A., and Jones, G. A., Zapponi-orientable dessins d'enfants, Rev. Mat. Iberoam., 36 (2) (2020), 549–570.

[GR20] Gonçalves, N. N. and Rocco, N. R., The $q$-tensor square of a powerful $p$-group, J. Algebra, 551 (2020), 9–22.

[GMR20] Goodwin, S. M., Mosch, P., and Röhrle, G., The modality of a Borel subgroup in a simple algebraic group of type $E_8$, Exp. Math., 29 (3) (2020), 326–327.

[GS20] Gorshkov, I. and Staroletov, A., On primitive 3-generated axial algebras of Jordan type, J. Algebra, 563 (2020), 74–99.

[G20] Gorshkov, I. B., On a finite group with restriction on set of conjugacy classes size, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 43 (4) (2020), 2995–3005.

[GK20] Griggs, T. S. and Kozlik, A. R., The last two perfect Mendelsohn designs with block size 5, J. Combin. Des., 28 (12) (2020), 865–868.

[GHK20] Gryak, J., Haralick, R. M., and Kahrobaei, D., Solving the conjugacy decision problem via machine learning, Exp. Math., 29 (1) (2020), 66–78.

[GZ20] Guan, H. and Zhou, S., Classification of point-primitive linear spaces with $2pq$ points, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin, 27 (3) (2020), 369–378.

[G20] Gyürki, Š., Small directed strongly regular graphs, Algebra Colloq., 27 (1) (2020), 11–30.

[HS20] Hafezieh, R. and Spiga, P., An overview on the bipartite divisor graph for the set of irreducible character degrees, Rocky Mountain J. Math., 50 (6) (2020), 2073–2095.

[HM+20] Halasi, Z., Maróti, A., Navarro, G., and Tiep, P. H., Irreducible induction and nilpotent subgroups in finite groups, J. Algebra, 561 (2020), 200–214.

[HHY20] Hasegawa, S., Hoshi, A., and Yamasaki, A., Rationality problem for norm one tori in small dimensions, Math. Comp., 89 (322) (2020), 923–940.

[HS20] Hiss, G. and Schröer, M., Two conjectures on the Weil representations of finite symplectic and unitary groups, J. Algebra, 558 (2020), 485–490.

[HKY20] Hoshi, A., Kang, M., and Yamasaki, A., Degree three unramified cohomology groups and Noether's problem for groups of order 243, J. Algebra, 544 (2020), 262–301.

[HS+20] Hung, N. N., Schaeffer Fry, A. A., Tong-Viet, H. P., and Vinroot, C. R., On the number of irreducible real-valued characters of a finite group, J. Algebra, 555 (2020), 275–288.

[HY20] Hung, N. N. and Yang, Y., Abelian subgroups, nilpotent subgroups, and the largest character degree of a finite group, J. Algebra, 551 (2020), 285–300.

[IJM20] Iverson, J. W., Jasper, J., and Mixon, D. G., Optimal line packings from nonabelian groups, Discrete Comput. Geom., 63 (3) (2020), 731–763.

[JS20] Jensen, B. T. and Su, X., Existence of Richardson elements for seaweed Lie algebras of finite type, J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2), 101 (2) (2020), 505–529.

[KS20] Kanenobu, T. and Sumi, T., Suciu's ribbon 2-knots with isomorphic group, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 29 (7) (2020), 2050053, 9.

[KRT20] Katz, N. M., Rojas-León, A., and Tiep, P. H., A rigid local system with monodromy group the big Conway group $2.ßfCo_1$ and two others with monodromy group the Suzuki group $6.ßfSuz$, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 373 (3) (2020), 2007–2044.

[KT20] Katz, N. M. and Tiep, P. H., Moments of Weil representations of finite special unitary groups, J. Algebra, 561 (2020), 237–255.

[K20] Keilberg, M., Correction to: Automorphisms of the doubles of purely non-abelian finite groups, Algebr. Represent. Theory, 23 (3) (2020), 1237–1241.

[KP20] Kielak, D. and Pierro, E., On the smallest non-trivial quotients of mapping class groups, Groups Geom. Dyn., 14 (2) (2020), 489–512.

[KR20] Kim, H. J. and Ruberman, D., Topological spines of 4-manifolds, Algebr. Geom. Topol., 20 (7) (2020), 3589–3606.

[KMT20] Kleshchev, A., Morotti, L., and Tiep, P. H., Irreducible restrictions of representations of alternating groups in small characteristics: reduction theorems, Represent. Theory, 24 (2020), 115–150.

[KMT20] Kleshchev, A., Morotti, L., and Tiep, P. H., Irreducible restrictions of representations of symmetric and alternating groups in small characteristics, Adv. Math., 369 (2020), 107184, 66.

[KNT20] Korchmáros, G., Nagy, G. P., and Timpanella, M., Codes and gap sequences of Hermitian curves, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 66 (6) (2020), 3547–3554.

[L20] Little, J. B., \it Computational mathematics with \tt SageMath [book review of MR3909428], Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.), 57 (3) (2020), 515–521.

[LW20] Liu, Y. and Willems, W., On Hilbert divisors of Brauer characters, J. Algebra, 558 (2020), 595–610.

[L20] Luan, Y., Examples of simply reducible groups, J. Korean Math. Soc., 57 (5) (2020), 1187–1237.

[LMT20] Lucchini, A., Marion, C., and Tracey, G., Generating maximal subgroups of finite almost simple groups, Forum Math. Sigma, 8 (2020), Paper No. e32, 67.

[L20] Lübeck, F., Computation of Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials and some applications to finite groups, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 373 (4) (2020), 2331–2347.

[L20] Lübeck, F., Turning weight multiplicities into Brauer characters, J. Algebra, 558 (2020), 534–549.

[LM20] Lukas, A. and Mishra, C., Discrete symmetries of complete intersection Calabi-Yau manifolds, Comm. Math. Phys., 379 (3) (2020), 847–865.

[M20] Macedo, A., The Hasse norm principle for $A_n$-extensions, J. Number Theory, 211 (2020), 500–512.

[MR20] Madanha, S. Y. and Rodrigues, B. G., Finite groups with some restriction on the vanishing set, Comm. Algebra, 48 (12) (2020), 5474–5481.

[M20] Malle, G., On the number of characters in blocks of quasi-simple groups, Algebr. Represent. Theory, 23 (3) (2020), 513–539.

[MS20] Margolis, L. and Schnabel, O., The twisted group ring isomorphism problem over fields, Israel J. Math., 238 (1) (2020), 209–242.

[M20] Mascot, N., Hensel-lifting torsion points on Jacobians and Galois representations, Math. Comp., 89 (323) (2020), 1417–1455.

[MBE20] Meng, H., Ballester-Bolinches, A., and Esteban-Romero, R., On large orbits of supersoluble subgroups of linear groups, J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2), 101 (2) (2020), 490–504.

[MA20] Merlini Giuliani, M. d. L. and dos Anjos, G. S., Half-isomorphisms of dihedral automorphic loops, Comm. Algebra, 48 (3) (2020), 1150–1162.

[MD20] Merlini Giuliani, M. D. L. and Dos Anjos, G. S., Lie automorphic loops under half-automorphisms, J. Algebra Appl., 19 (11) (2020), 2050221, 19.

[MM20] Miraali, B. and Mahmood Robati, S., A solvability criterion for finite groups related to character degrees, Czechoslovak Math. J., 70(145) (4) (2020), 1205–1209.

[MT20] Monakhov, V. S. and Trofimuk, A. A., On the residual of a factorized group with widely supersoluble factors, Comm. Algebra, 48 (12) (2020), 5290–5295.

[MT20] Monakhov, V. S. and Trofimuk, A. A., On the supersolubility of a finite group with NS-supplemented subgroups, Acta Math. Hungar., 160 (1) (2020), 161–167.

[MT20] Monakhov, V. S. and Trofimuk, A. A., On the supersolubility of a group with semisubnormal factors, J. Group Theory, 23 (5) (2020), 893–911.

[MS20] Monson, B. and Schulte, E., The assembly problem for alternating semiregular polytopes, Discrete Comput. Geom., 64 (2) (2020), 453–482.

[MS20] Muzychuk, M. and Spiga, P., Finite primitive groups of small rank: symmetric and sporadic groups, J. Algebraic Combin., 52 (2) (2020), 103–136.

[N20] Navarro, G., What do the modular characters know?, Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM, 114 (1) (2020), Paper No. 15, 6.

[NSV20] Navarro, G., Späth, B., and Vallejo, C., A reduction theorem for the Galois-McKay conjecture, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 373 (9) (2020), 6157–6183.

[NT20] Navarro, G. and Tiep, P. H., Decomposition numbers and local properties, J. Algebra, 558 (2020), 620–639.

[NT20] Naves, F. A. and Talpo, H. L., Minimum degree of an $A$-identity of $E\otimes E$, Internat. J. Algebra Comput., 30 (6) (2020), 1237–1256.

[N20] Niebrzydowski, M., Homology of ternary algebras yielding invariants of knots and knotted surfaces, Algebr. Geom. Topol., 20 (5) (2020), 2337–2372.

[NPZ20] Niebrzydowski, M., Pilitowska, A., and Zamojska-Dzienio, A., Knot-theoretic flocks, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 29 (5) (2020), 2050026, 16.

[N20] Nowak, A. W., Affine Mendelsohn triple systems and the Eisenstein integers, J. Combin. Des., 28 (10) (2020), 724–744.

[OR20] Ojeda, I. and Rosales, J. C., The arithmetic extensions of a numerical semigroup, Comm. Algebra, 48 (9) (2020), 3707–3715.

[P20] Pérennou, H., Polynomiality of projective modular representations graded rings, J. Algebra, 541 (2020), 308–323.

[PR20] Pizaña, M. A. and Robles, I. A., On bicliques and the second clique graph of suspensions, Discrete Appl. Math., 281 (2020), 261–267.

[Q20] Quinn-Gregson, T., Homogeneous completely simple semigroups, Mathematika, 66 (3) (2020), 733–751.

[RSV20] Rizo, N., Schaeffer Fry, A. A., and Vallejo, C., Galois action on the principal block and cyclic Sylow subgroups, Algebra Number Theory, 14 (7) (2020), 1953–1979.

[R20] Robati, S. M., A solvability criterion for finite groups related to the number of Sylow subgroups, Comm. Algebra, 48 (12) (2020), 5176–5180.

[R20] Ryabov, G., Separability of Schur rings over abelian groups of odd order, Graphs Combin., 36 (6) (2020), 1891–1911.

[S20] Sakurai, T., Central elements of the Jennings basis and certain Morita invariants, J. Algebra Appl., 19 (8) (2020), 2050160, 13.

[S20] Sambale, B., Character tables and defect groups, J. Algebra, 562 (2020), 323–340.

[S20] Sambale, B., Survey on perfect isometries, Rocky Mountain J. Math., 50 (5) (2020), 1517–1539.

[SAK20] Sayanjali, Z., Akhlaghi, Z., and Khosravi, B., On the codegrees of finite groups, Comm. Algebra, 48 (3) (2020), 1327–1332.

[S20] Scala, L., Notes on diagonals of the product and symmetric variety of a surface, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 224 (8) (2020), 106352, 48.

[SZ20] Shen, J. and Zhou, S., Flag-transitive 2-$(v, 5,\lambda)$ designs with sporadic socle, Front. Math. China, 15 (6) (2020), 1201–1210.

[S20] Shimada, I., The elliptic modular surface of level 4 and its reduction modulo 3, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4), 199 (4) (2020), 1457–1489.

[S20] Soroko, I., Realizable ranks of joins and intersections of subgroups in free groups, Internat. J. Algebra Comput., 30 (3) (2020), 625–666.

[S20] Spiga, P., On a conjecture on the permutation characters of finite primitive groups, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc., 102 (1) (2020), 77–90.

[S20] Szymik, M., The third Milgram-Priddy class lifts, J. Algebra, 547 (2020), 173–178.

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