[GAP Forum] character table of a certain primitive group

Benjamin Sambale benjamin.sambale at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 14:08:41 BST 2018

Dear GAP people,

today I got the following error with GAP 4.8.10:


Error, This should never happen called from
AutomorphismRepresentingGroup( T1, autos
  ) at /mnt/local/gap4r8/lib/clashom.gi:1106 called from
ConjugacyClassesFittingFreeGroup( G
  ) at /mnt/local/gap4r8/lib/clashom.gi:2234 called from
ConjugacyClassesViaRadical( G
  ) at /mnt/local/gap4r8/lib/clashom.gi:2942 called from
ConjugacyClasses( G ) at /mnt/local/gap4r8/lib/ctbl.gi:1075 called from
<function "unknown">( <arguments> )
  called from read-eval loop at line 2 of *stdin*

Best wishes,

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