[GAP Forum] Running GAP on new mac with M1 processor

Russ Woodroofe rsw9 at cornell.edu
Tue Mar 2 07:19:50 GMT 2021

Dear Vince,
Yes, the copy of GAP included in Gap.app doesn't seem to work on M1.  I haven't been able to get hardware to test (and build) on yet.  It appeared from tests that the problem was in the version of the GMP library included, which causes a crash in Rosetta.

Others with the hardware have managed to build GAP on M1.  The version of GMP still causes trouble, but if you replace it with a newer version, it sounds like it builds fairly straightforwardly.  (To do this on Mac, the simplest thing to do is to install Xcode, together with the command line tools; then follow the instructions for installing on Unix from the GAP homepage.)

I'm hoping and expecting to be able to provide a copy of Gap.app that works on M1 with the new release, which I'm intending to time with the 4.12 release of GAP.  (I hear this is supposed to happen in the next few months.)  

The pandemic has complicated my access to hardware by a fair bit, and I'm sorry not to have a better answer as yet.


> On 1 Mar 2021, at 22:45, Vince Giambalvo <vince37 at hawaii.edu> wrote:
> Dear Forum,
> I was surprised to see no posts about this in the Archive, but maybe this is the wrong forum?
> I am trying to install GAP on my new Apple Mac with its new M1 (Apple Silicon) processor.
> The Gap.app does not yet work. It does install, but then crashes when I try to open a workspace.
> I tried compiling, both a release from GAP, and the source from the mac gap app files, and neither works, with 
> some strange errors. 
> If anyone has any suggestions for a working version, or how I can help create one, please let me know.
> Thanks for your help
>    Vince
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