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\* 3.6-9
_q 3.1-2
AntiAutomorphismTau 3.6-5
AntipodeMap 3.7-4
ApplyWeylElement 3.4-1
AutomorphismOmega 3.6-4
AutomorphismTalpha 3.6-7
BarAutomorphism 3.6-6
BilinearFormMatNF 3.3-2
CanonicalBasis 3.10-3
CanonicalMapping 3.5-5 3.8-9
ComultiplicationMap 3.7-3
CounitMap 3.7-5
CrystalBasis 3.10-11
CrystalGraph, for a module 3.10-15
    for root system and weight 3.9-7
CrystalVectors 3.10-12
DiagramAutomorphism 3.6-8
DIYModule 3.8-4
DominantLSPath 3.9-1
DualAlgebraModule 3.8-12
Ealpha, for a crystal vector 3.10-14
    for a module element 3.10-10
    for a PBW-monomial 3.10-2
    for an LS-path 3.9-3
EndWeight 3.9-6
ExchangeElement 3.4-5
ExtRepOfObj 3.5-3
Falpha, for a crystal vector 3.10-13
    for a module element 3.10-9
    for a PBW-monomial 3.10-1
    for an LS-path 3.9-2
GaussianBinomial 3.2-3
GaussianFactorial 3.2-2
GaussNumber 3.2-1
GenericModule 3.8-8
GetBraidRelations 3.4-6
HighestWeightModule, for a quantized env. alg. 3.8-1
    for a universal env. alg 3.11-3
HighestWeightsAndVectors 3.8-15
HWModuleByGenerator 3.8-6
HWModuleByTensorProduct 3.8-3
InducedQEAModule 3.8-7
IrreducibleQuotient 3.8-2
IsomorphismOfTensorModules 3.8-17
LengthOfWeylWord 3.4-2
LongestWeylWord 3.4-3
LongWords 3.4-7
LSSequence 3.9-4
MinusculeModule 3.8-11
MonomialElements 3.10-5
ObjByExtRep 3.5-2
PBWElements 3.10-4
PositiveRootsInConvexOrder 3.3-5
PositiveRootsNF 3.3-3
PrincipalMonomial 3.10-7
QEAAntiAutomorphism 3.6-3 3.6-3
QEAAutomorphism 3.6-2 3.6-2
QEAHomomorphism 3.6-1
QuantizedUEA 3.5-1 3.5-1 3.5-1 3.5-1
QuantumField 3.1-1
QuantumParameter 3.5-4
QUEAToUEAMap 3.11-4
ReadModuleFromFile 3.8-19
ReadQEAFromFile 3.5-7
ReducedWordIterator 3.4-4
RMatrix 3.8-16
RootSystem 3.3-1 3.3-1
SimpleRootsAsWeights 3.3-6
SimpleSystemNF 3.3-4
StringMonomial 3.10-8
Strings 3.10-6
TensorPower 3.7-1
TensorProductOfAlgebraModules 3.8-5 3.8-5
TrivialAlgebraModule 3.8-13
U2Module 3.8-10
UEA 3.11-1
UnderlyingLieAlgebra 3.11-2
UseTwistedHopfStructure 3.7-2
WeightsAndVectors 3.8-14
WeylWord 3.9-5
WriteModuleToFile 3.8-18
WriteQEAToFile 3.5-6

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