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3 Affine toric varieties
 3.1 Ideals defining affine toric varieties

3 Affine toric varieties

This chapter concerns toric commands which deal with the coordinate rings of affine toric varieties \(U_\sigma\).

3.1 Ideals defining affine toric varieties

3.1-1 EmbeddingAffineToricVariety
‣ EmbeddingAffineToricVariety( L )( function )

Input: L is a list generating a cone (as in DualSemigroupGenerators).
Output: the toroidal embedding of \(X=Spec(I)\), where I is the ideal of the affine toric variety (given as a list of multinomials).

gap> phi:=EmbeddingAffineToricVariety([[1,0],[3,4]]);
[ x_2, x_1, x_1^2/x_4, x_1^3/x_4^2, x_1^4/x_4^3 ]
gap> L:=[[1,0,0],[1,1,0],[1,1,1],[1,0,1]];;
gap> phi:=EmbeddingAffineToricVariety(L);
[ x_3, x_2, x_1/x_5, x_1/x_6 ]
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