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8 Toric divisors
 8.1 Toric divisors: Examples
 8.2 The GAP category
 8.3 Properties
 8.4 Attributes
 8.5 Methods
 8.6 Constructors

8 Toric divisors

8.1 Toric divisors: Examples

8.1-1 Divisors on a toric variety
gap> H7 := Fan( [[0,1],[1,0],[0,-1],[-1,7]],[[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,1]] );
<A fan in |R^2>
gap> H7 := ToricVariety( H7 );
<A toric variety of dimension 2>
gap> P := TorusInvariantPrimeDivisors( H7 );
[ <A prime divisor of a toric variety with coordinates ( 1, 0, 0, 0 )>,
  <A prime divisor of a toric variety with coordinates ( 0, 1, 0, 0 )>,
  <A prime divisor of a toric variety with coordinates ( 0, 0, 1, 0 )>,
  <A prime divisor of a toric variety with coordinates ( 0, 0, 0, 1 )> ]
gap> D := P[1]+P[2];
<A divisor of a toric variety with coordinates ( 1, 1, 0, 0 )>
gap> IsBasepointFree(D);
gap> IsAmple(D);
gap> CoordinateRingOfTorus(H7,"x");
Q[x1,x1_,x2,x2_]/( x1*x1_-1, x2*x2_-1 )
gap> Polytope(D);
<A polytope in |R^2>
gap> CharactersForClosedEmbedding(D);
[ |[ 1 ]|, |[ x2 ]|, |[ x1 ]|, |[ x1*x2 ]|, |[ x1^2*x2 ]|, 
  |[ x1^3*x2 ]|, |[ x1^4*x2 ]|, |[ x1^5*x2 ]|, 
  |[ x1^6*x2 ]|, |[ x1^7*x2 ]|, |[ x1^8*x2 ]| ]
gap> CoxRingOfTargetOfDivisorMorphism(D);
(weights: [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ])
gap> RingMorphismOfDivisor(D);
<A "homomorphism" of rings>
gap> Display(RingMorphismOfDivisor(D));
(weights: [ ( 0, 1 ), ( 1, 0 ), ( 1, -7 ), ( 0, 1 ) ])
[ x_1*x_2, x_1^8*x_3, x_2*x_4, x_1^7*x_3*x_4, x_1^6*x_3*x_4^2, 
  x_1^5*x_3*x_4^3, x_1^4*x_3*x_4^4, x_1^3*x_3*x_4^5, x_1^2*x_3*x_4^6, 
  x_1*x_3*x_4^7, x_3*x_4^8 ]
(weights: [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ])
gap> ByASmallerPresentation(ClassGroup(H7));
<A free left module of rank 2 on free generators>
gap> MonomsOfCoxRingOfDegree(D);
[ x_1*x_2, x_1^8*x_3, x_2*x_4, x_1^7*x_3*x_4, x_1^6*x_3*x_4^2, 
  x_1^5*x_3*x_4^3, x_1^4*x_3*x_4^4, x_1^3*x_3*x_4^5, x_1^2*x_3*x_4^6, 
  x_1*x_3*x_4^7, x_3*x_4^8 ]
gap> D2:=D-2*P[2];
<A divisor of a toric variety with coordinates ( 1, -1, 0, 0 )>
gap> D = D2;
gap> IsBasepointFree(D2);
gap> IsAmple(D2);
gap> P2 := ProjectiveSpace( 2 );
<A projective toric variety of dimension 2>
gap> CoxRing( P2 );
(weights: [ 1, 1, 1 ])
gap> DA := AmpleDivisor( P2 );
<A divisor of a toric variety with coordinates ( 1, 0, 0 )>
gap> IsPrincipal( DA );
gap> IsPrimedivisor( DA );
gap> IsAmple( DA );
gap> IsToricDivisor( DA );
gap> IsBasepointFree( DA );
gap> IntegerForWhichIsSureVeryAmple( DA );
gap> UnderlyingToricVariety( DA );
<A toric subvariety of dimension 1>
gap> DegreeOfDivisor( DA );
gap> Display( DA );
An ample basepoint free Cartier divisor of a toric variety.
gap> ViewObj( DA );
<An ample basepoint free Cartier prime divisor of a toric variety with coordinates ( 1, 0, 0 )>

8.1-2 Polytope of toric divisors
gap> P1 := ProjectiveSpace( 1 );
<A projective toric variety of dimension 1>
gap> divisor := DivisorOfGivenClass( P1, [ -1 ] );
<A divisor of a toric variety with coordinates ( -1, 0 )>
gap> polytope := PolytopeOfDivisor( divisor );
<A polytope in |R^1>

8.2 The GAP category

8.2-1 IsToricDivisor
‣ IsToricDivisor( M )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of torus invariant Weil divisors.

8.2-2 twitter
‣ twitter( arg )( attribute )

8.3 Properties

8.3-1 IsCartier
‣ IsCartier( divi )( property )

Returns: true or false

Checks if the torus invariant Weil divisor divi is Cartier i.e. if it is locally principal.

8.3-2 IsPrincipal
‣ IsPrincipal( divi )( property )

Returns: true or false

Checks if the torus invariant Weil divisor divi is principal which in the toric invariant case means that it is the divisor of a character.

8.3-3 IsPrimedivisor
‣ IsPrimedivisor( divi )( property )

Returns: true or false

Checks if the Weil divisor divi represents a prime divisor, i.e. if it is a standard generator of the divisor group.

8.3-4 IsBasepointFree
‣ IsBasepointFree( divi )( property )

Returns: true or false

Checks if the divisor divi is basepoint free.

8.3-5 IsAmple
‣ IsAmple( divi )( property )

Returns: true or false

Checks if the divisor divi is ample, i.e. if it is colored red, yellow and green.

8.3-6 IsVeryAmple
‣ IsVeryAmple( divi )( property )

Returns: true or false

Checks if the divisor divi is very ample.

8.3-7 IsNumericallyEffective
‣ IsNumericallyEffective( divi )( property )

Returns: true or false

Checks if the divisor divi is nef.

8.4 Attributes

8.4-1 CartierData
‣ CartierData( divi )( attribute )

Returns: a list

Returns the Cartier data of the divisor divi, if it is Cartier, and fails otherwise.

8.4-2 CharacterOfPrincipalDivisor
‣ CharacterOfPrincipalDivisor( divi )( attribute )

Returns: a homalg module element

Returns the character corresponding to the principal divisor divi.

8.4-3 ClassOfDivisor
‣ ClassOfDivisor( divi )( attribute )

Returns: a homalg module element

Returns the class group element corresponding to the divisor divi.

8.4-4 PolytopeOfDivisor
‣ PolytopeOfDivisor( divi )( attribute )

Returns: a polytope

Returns the polytope corresponding to the divisor divi.

8.4-5 BasisOfGlobalSections
‣ BasisOfGlobalSections( divi )( attribute )

Returns: a list

Returns a basis of the global section module of the quasi-coherent sheaf of the divisor divi.

8.4-6 IntegerForWhichIsSureVeryAmple
‣ IntegerForWhichIsSureVeryAmple( divi )( attribute )

Returns: an integer

Returns an integer n such that \(n \cdot \)divi is very ample.

8.4-7 AmbientToricVariety
‣ AmbientToricVariety( divi )( attribute )

Returns: a variety

Returns the toric variety which contains the prime divisors of the divisor divi.

8.4-8 UnderlyingGroupElement
‣ UnderlyingGroupElement( divi )( attribute )

Returns: a homalg module element

Returns an element which represents the divisor divi in the Weil group.

8.4-9 UnderlyingToricVariety
‣ UnderlyingToricVariety( divi )( attribute )

Returns: a variety

Returns the closure of the torus orbit corresponding to the prime divisor divi. Not implemented for other divisors. Maybe we should add the support here. Is this even a toric variety? Exercise left to the reader.

8.4-10 DegreeOfDivisor
‣ DegreeOfDivisor( divi )( attribute )

Returns: an integer

Returns the degree of the divisor divi. This is not to be confused with the (divisor) class of divi!

8.4-11 VarietyOfDivisorpolytope
‣ VarietyOfDivisorpolytope( divi )( attribute )

Returns: a variety

Returns the variety corresponding to the polytope of the divisor divi.

8.4-12 MonomsOfCoxRingOfDegree
‣ MonomsOfCoxRingOfDegree( divi )( attribute )

Returns: a list

Returns the monoms in the Cox ring of degree equal to the (divisor) class of the divisor divi.

8.4-13 CoxRingOfTargetOfDivisorMorphism
‣ CoxRingOfTargetOfDivisorMorphism( divi )( attribute )

Returns: a ring

A basepoint free divisor divi defines a map from its ambient variety in a projective space. This method returns the Cox ring of such a projective space.

8.4-14 RingMorphismOfDivisor
‣ RingMorphismOfDivisor( divi )( attribute )

Returns: a ring map

A basepoint free divisor divi defines a map from its ambient variety in a projective space. This method returns the morphism between the cox ring of this projective space to the cox ring of the ambient variety of divi.

8.5 Methods

8.5-1 VeryAmpleMultiple
‣ VeryAmpleMultiple( divi )( operation )

Returns: a divisor

Returns a very ample multiple of the ample divisor divi. The method will fail if divisor is not ample.

8.5-2 CharactersForClosedEmbedding
‣ CharactersForClosedEmbedding( divi )( operation )

Returns: a list

Returns characters for closed embedding defined via the ample divisor divi. The method fails if the divisor divi is not ample.

8.5-3 \+
‣ \+( divi1, divi2 )( operation )

Returns: a divisor

Returns the sum of the divisors divi1 and divi2.

8.5-4 \-
‣ \-( divi1, divi2 )( operation )

Returns: a divisor

Returns the divisor divi1 minus divi2.

8.5-5 \*
‣ \*( k, divi )( operation )

Returns: a divisor

Returns k times the divisor divi.

8.5-6 MonomsOfCoxRingOfDegree
‣ MonomsOfCoxRingOfDegree( vari, elem )( operation )

Returns: a list

Returns the monoms of the Cox ring of the variety vari with degree equal to the class group element elem. The variable elem can also be a list.

8.5-7 DivisorOfGivenClass
‣ DivisorOfGivenClass( vari, elem )( operation )

Returns: a divisor

Computes a divisor of the variety divi which is member of the divisor class presented by elem. The variable elem can be a homalg element or a list presenting an element.

8.5-8 AddDivisorToItsAmbientVariety
‣ AddDivisorToItsAmbientVariety( divi )( operation )

Adds the divisor divi to the Weil divisor list of its ambient variety.

8.5-9 Polytope
‣ Polytope( divi )( operation )

Returns: a polytope

Returns the polytope of the divisor divi. Another name for PolytopeOfDivisor for compatibility and shortness.

8.5-10 CoxRingOfTargetOfDivisorMorphism
‣ CoxRingOfTargetOfDivisorMorphism( divi, string )( operation )

Returns: a ring

Given a toric divisor divi, it induces a toric morphism. The target of this morphism is a toric variety. This method returns the Cox ring of this target. The variables are named according to string.

8.6 Constructors

8.6-1 DivisorOfCharacter
‣ DivisorOfCharacter( elem, vari )( operation )

Returns: a divisor

Returns the divisor of the toric variety vari which corresponds to the character elem.

8.6-2 DivisorOfCharacter
‣ DivisorOfCharacter( lis, vari )( operation )

Returns: a divisor

Returns the divisor of the toric variety vari which corresponds to the character which is created by the list lis.

8.6-3 CreateDivisor
‣ CreateDivisor( elem, vari )( operation )

Returns: a divisor

Returns the divisor of the toric variety vari which corresponds to the Weil group element elem. by the list lis.

8.6-4 CreateDivisor
‣ CreateDivisor( lis, vari )( operation )

Returns: a divisor

Returns the divisor of the toric variety vari which corresponds to the Weil group element which is created by the list lis.

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