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2 Obstruction for the existence of compact Clifford-Klein form
 2.1 Technical functions

2 Obstruction for the existence of compact Clifford-Klein form

In this chapter we describe functions for algorithm from [BJS+].

2.1 Technical functions

2.1-1 NonCompactDimension
‣ NonCompactDimension( G )( function )

For a real Lie algebra \(G\) constructed by the function RealFormById (from [DFdG14]), this function returns the non-compact dimension of \(G\) (dimension of a non-compact part in Cartan decomposition of \(G\)).

gap> G:=RealFormById("E",6,2); # E6(6)
<Lie algebra of dimension 78 over SqrtField>
gap> dG:=NonCompactDimension(G);

2.1-2 PCoefficients
‣ PCoefficients( type, rank )( function )

Let \(G\) be a compact connected Lie group of the type type and the rank rank. Let \(\Lambda\,P_{G}=\Lambda (y_1,...,y_l)\) be the exterior algebra over the spaces \(P_G\) of the primitive elements in \(H^*(G)\). Denote the degrees as follows \(|y_j|=2p_j-1,j=1,...,l\). This function returns coefficients \(p_1,\ldots,p_l\).

gap> PCoefficients("D",5);
[ 2, 4, 6, 8, 5 ]

2.1-3 PCalculate
‣ PCalculate( pi, qi )( function )

Here \(pi=\{ p_1,\ldots,p_l\}\) and \(qi=\{ q_1,\ldots,q_m\}\) are sets of coefficients (\(l\geq m\)). This function returns the polynomial: \(P(t)=\prod_{j=m+1}^l(1+t^{2p_j-1})\prod_{i=1}^m(1-t^{2p_i})/(1-t^{2q_i})\).

gap> PCalculate([4,2,3],[2,2]);   

2.1-4 AllZeroDH
‣ AllZeroDH( type, rank, id )( function )

Let \(G^C\) be a complex Lie algebra of the type type and the rank rank. Let \(G\) be a real form of \(G^C\) with the index id (see RealFormsInformation,[DFdG14]). This function returns the set of degrees of \(P(t)\) that have zero coefficients over all permutation (see Section 7 in [BJS+]).

gap> AllZeroDH("F",4,2); 
[ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27 ]
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